DFK Kidsons are professional chartered accountants, certified practising accountants & business advisers, registered company auditors and registered tax agents with offices operating in Melbourne and Cairns.
About us
DFK Kidsons was founded in Cairns in 2002 providing traditional accounting services to businesses and not for profit entities in Far North Queensland and the Northern Territory.
Since inception the firm has evolved in its service provision including, significantly, the opening of a Melbourne office in May 2015.
Today, DFK Kidsons has grown to include clients not only in Far North Queensland and Victoria but also throughout Australia and the world.
Our boutique firm provides specialised financial and commercial services which include external audit, internal audit, investigative accounting, and corporate governance services together with the original accounting service provision.
Our firm continues to grow and this is based on our key business objectives of providing high quality and personalised service and to establish strong working relationships with our clients to retain them as long standing clients and referral sources.
Via our membership of DFK international we are affiliated with accounting firms throughout Australia, New Zealand and internationally facilitating improved services for clients and opportunities for our staff.
Customer charter
Forming positive relationships
Our aim is to create long-term partnerships with all our clients. As a client of DFK Kidsons you can expect:
- The advice you receive will be provided by skilled and experienced professionals who receive on going professional development.
- This advice will be relevant, timely leading-edge and effective, focusing on building and adding value to your specific business.
- Our advice will also be practical, concise and presented in a jargon-free, easy to understand format.
- Written terms of engagement and fees for all assignments are defined in advance.
- Timetables and delivery dates are jointly agreed upon and adhered to.
- All communications are dealt with promptly and confidentially.
- You will have a key contact within our firm who is responsible for the overall service we deliver, as well as a service team who you can speak to whenever you need.
- Your team is fully committed to understanding your business objectives. We provide timely and relevant advice to build your business profits and personal wealth.